Trace Investigations was retained to conduct an asset investigation on a construction company for a personal injury case. One of the company’s employees, a truck driver, was responsible for a vehicular accident in a company vehicle that led to serious injuries and a fatality. Our client was legal counsel for the estate of the decedent. The responsible company was partially owned by numerous other companies. Collecting a comprehensive list of “targets” — principals, assets and debts beyond limits on the company’s insurance policy — was challenging. Many of the affiliated firm owners were limited liability companies, with no information as to the individual principals other than the registered agents.

Challenges are opportunities in waiting. During our due diligence a document was discovered that played a pivotal role in our client’s ultimate success in achieving a satisfactory financial resolution. In replying to a city proposal for services, the business had submitted a bid that detailed all of its assets, including strategic partnerships, resource capacity, number of employees, equipment and inventory, active contracts, and real estate holdings. This proposal confirmed everything the client suspected and hoped to discover.

No amount of money can remove the heartache of losing a family member in a vehicular accident. However, a family’s financial losses and other expenses can be compensated for and a responsible party held accountable for its actions.

If you need help locating assets call Trace Investigations at 800-310-8857.