Trace Investigations was retained to conduct surveillance on a respondent in a contentious and complicated divorce filing. The subject lived in an at-fault state and was flying into Indianapolis to attend a convention related to the parties’ business. Her husband, our client, was confident that his wife, who was also his business partner, would take an early Delta flight. Due to the logistical challenges in an airport, we assigned two investigators. During the scheduled arrival times one investigator was positioned near the concourse exits and the other was driving the car that would follow the cab (or Uber) the subject would eventually board. The subject was not on any of the anticipated flights.

The investigators phoned the client who said he had just discovered his wife had taken an earlier flight on a different airline, and that she was already at the conference hotel. The investigators proceeded immediately to the hotel and after a short search found the subject in one of the hotel restaurants, having lunch with a group of three men. She seemed friendlier with one of the men and the investigators were able to obtain video footage with concealed body cameras. After lunch, the men in the lunch party proceeded to the convention floor and the subject proceeded to her room at the hotel. The investigators positioned themselves in strategic and safe locations to await her next appearance, which happened later that afternoon. She proceeded to the hotel’s cocktail bar where she met the “friendly” man from lunch. For the next hour, our investigators captured video of a couple in intimate and often passionate conversations over cocktails. They then moved to a dinner table and the investigators were able to continue their surreptitious documentation of the couple. After dinner they retired to the man’s hotel suite.

The following two days were prime examples of preparation meeting opportunity. After approximately 24 hours of surveillance at the convention and around the hotel, the investigators obtained several hours of video and photographic images to document the subject’s activities. Her companion was identified and evidence was obtained of possible business dealings of which our client had no knowledge.

Result: We were able to provide evidence to our client’s attorney that led to a favorable settlement in the divorce proceeding and protected the client’s business interests.

When you need accurate facts that lead to favorable results call Trace Investigations at 800-310-8857.