Personal Injury Attorney Services

Obtain Better Verdicts and Larger Settlements for Your Clients

“Is the person responsible for this incident able to provide relief for my client?”

This is the most important question facing a personal injury attorney when an injured party contacts their office about an accident. The personal injury is the result of an incident that was caused by the neglect of someone else, and the injured party has incurred extraordinary medical expenses and loss of income and perhaps other continuing and grievous losses. Often times, there are questions arising from a personal injury claim that cannot be answered by reading a police report. When faced with a complex case, you will need the assistance of a legal investigator.

Trace Investigations assists plaintiff attorneys by:

  • Conducting accident site inspections and investigations;
  • Interviewing the client, witnesses, police officers and other first responders;
  • Canvasing neighborhoods and businesses looking for witnesses;
  • Conducting background and asset investigations on litigation targets.

The benefits of an investigation:

  • Knowledge to Prevail: An impartial recording and reporting of facts by a third party, a professional investigator;
  • Determination of Evidence Value: Knowledge of the value of witness statements and other evidence, obtained before proceeding with litigation;
  • Responsible Party Determinations: Assistance in the determination of the liability of responsible parties;
  • Achieve Better Settlements: Identification of assets available for financial relief beyond insurance policy limits.


To eliminate doubt that could jeopardize the outcome of a serious matter please call us at 812-334-8857 for a FREE consultation.